Nick Friedman – College Hunks Hauling Junk

Nick FriedmanNick Friedman, C0-Founder and President of College Hunks Hauling Junk

His junk removal service helped The Oprah Winfrey Show find the messiest home in America. It’s been featured on NBC, CBS, and ABC’s new hit TV show, Shark Tank. It’s been featured in the NY Times and Reader’s Digest. And to top it off, College Hunks Hauling Junk is #156 on the INC 500 list of fasting growing US companies. Co-founder and president Nick Friedman recently took some time away from his busy schedule to chat with South Tampasphere.

South Tampasphere: What was your first job? Were you aware at this point that you would someday be an entrepreneur?

Nick Friedman: My first job was a lemonade stand. At the time, I didn’t think I would ever be an entrepreneur, but looking back on it I realize that I was charging $1 for a cup of lemonade while my sister was charging only $0.25. Now I realize that I was an entrepreneur back then because I must have believed that my lemonade was superior to my sister’s, and therefore was worth a dollar.

ST: Did you start any other businesses before finding success with College Hunks Hauling Junk?

NF: I had side ventures but never a real business. I dabbled in club promotions and other on-campus ventures during college.

ST: Have you ever had any failures? If so, what did you learn from the experience(s)?

NF: My biggest failure has been my basketball career. I played in college, but I tell people I played center/forward, meaning I sat in the center of the bench and leaned forward. I had high expectations for myself coming out of high school, but my hoop dreams didn’t pan out in college.

ST: What skills are needed in order to succeed as an entrepreneur or business owner?

NF: Vision, values, passion and purpose. If you create a vision that you are truly passionate about and willing to risk it all for, then you can be a successful entrepreneur. If you do not have the drive to be successful, you will likely fall short of your vision. Of course you need the financial know-how and ability to generate business, but it all starts with the vision.

ST: You were recently on ABC’s prime time show, Shark Tank. What were those investors like off camera? How has business been since appearing on the show?

NF: We didn’t interact very much with the investors off camera, however, one of the investors is actually from Tampa, and he is now on our board of advisors. Kevin Harrington, founder of We have a lot of interest in our franchise opportunities after having appeared on the show.

ST: What are your most successful marketing tactics?

NF: Publicity is by far the best form of marketing and promotion because it is 3rd party validation. We also do some grass roots type advertising such as truck waves.

ST: What advice could you give to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur or business owner?

NF: Don’t chase the money, chase the dream.

ST: Where are your favorite nightlife spots in Tampa? If you dine out often, where are your favorite places to eat?

NF: I tend to frequent the standard routine nightspots like Kennedy, AJA, Jackson’s, Hyde Park Cafe, Cheap, etc. I’m out of town a lot, so thankfully those places don’t get old because I only go out in Tampa every few weeks. Favorites places to eat are Ciccio and Tony’s, Oystercatches, Smoke and that smoothie place next to Einstein Brothers.

ST: If you could start another business here in Tampa tomorrow, totally separate from junk removal, what would it be?

NF: We jokes about starting a t-shirt company called “Trampa-tees.” The bestselling shirt would be: “Boobs Before Braces.”

ST: What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?

NF: Time, energy, money, sacrificed some relationships and missed out on some fun.

ST: Is there any reason to get a MBA?

NF: Absolutely! I’m going to need them to work for me one day.. Just kidding. A MBA is definitely important because it gives you skills and tools to use in your professional career, either as an employee or entrepreneur. Going into business without a strong education is like going into a gunfight with a knife. I do feel I’ve learned much more in my business than I could have learned getting a MBA, but that’s not to say that a MBA wouldn’t have helped.

Nick can be reached at, or you can visit College Hunks Hauling Junk’s website at

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