Nick Friedman – College Hunks Hauling Junk

Nick FriedmanNick Friedman, C0-Founder and President of College Hunks Hauling Junk

His junk removal service helped The Oprah Winfrey Show find the messiest home in America. It’s been featured on NBC, CBS, and ABC’s new hit TV show, Shark Tank. It’s been featured in the NY Times and Reader’s Digest. And to top it off, College Hunks Hauling Junk is #156 on the INC 500 list of fasting growing US companies. Co-founder and president Nick Friedman recently took some time away from his busy schedule to chat with South Tampasphere.

South Tampasphere: What was your first job? Were you aware at this point that you would someday be an entrepreneur?

Nick Friedman: My first job was a lemonade stand. At the time, I didn’t think I would ever be an entrepreneur, but looking back on it I realize that I was charging $1 for a cup of lemonade while my sister was charging only $0.25. Now I realize that I was an entrepreneur back then because I must have believed that my lemonade was superior to my sister’s, and therefore was worth a dollar.

ST: Did you start any other businesses before finding success with College Hunks Hauling Junk?

NF: I had side ventures but never a real business. I dabbled in club promotions and other on-campus ventures during college.

ST: Have you ever had any failures? If so, what did you learn from the experience(s)?

NF: My biggest failure has been my basketball career. I played in college, but I tell people I played center/forward, meaning I sat in the center of the bench and leaned forward. I had high expectations for myself coming out of high school, but my hoop dreams didn’t pan out in college.

ST: What skills are needed in order to succeed as an entrepreneur or business owner?

NF: Vision, values, passion and purpose. If you create a vision that you are truly passionate about and willing to risk it all for, then you can be a successful entrepreneur. If you do not have the drive to be successful, you will likely fall short of your vision. Of course you need the financial know-how and ability to generate business, but it all starts with the vision.

ST: You were recently on ABC’s prime time show, Shark Tank. What were those investors like off camera? How has business been since appearing on the show?

NF: We didn’t interact very much with the investors off camera, however, one of the investors is actually from Tampa, and he is now on our board of advisors. Kevin Harrington, founder of We have a lot of interest in our franchise opportunities after having appeared on the show.

ST: What are your most successful marketing tactics?

NF: Publicity is by far the best form of marketing and promotion because it is 3rd party validation. We also do some grass roots type advertising such as truck waves.

ST: What advice could you give to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur or business owner?

NF: Don’t chase the money, chase the dream.

ST: Where are your favorite nightlife spots in Tampa? If you dine out often, where are your favorite places to eat?

NF: I tend to frequent the standard routine nightspots like Kennedy, AJA, Jackson’s, Hyde Park Cafe, Cheap, etc. I’m out of town a lot, so thankfully those places don’t get old because I only go out in Tampa every few weeks. Favorites places to eat are Ciccio and Tony’s, Oystercatches, Smoke and that smoothie place next to Einstein Brothers.

ST: If you could start another business here in Tampa tomorrow, totally separate from junk removal, what would it be?

NF: We jokes about starting a t-shirt company called “Trampa-tees.” The bestselling shirt would be: “Boobs Before Braces.”

ST: What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?

NF: Time, energy, money, sacrificed some relationships and missed out on some fun.

ST: Is there any reason to get a MBA?

NF: Absolutely! I’m going to need them to work for me one day.. Just kidding. A MBA is definitely important because it gives you skills and tools to use in your professional career, either as an employee or entrepreneur. Going into business without a strong education is like going into a gunfight with a knife. I do feel I’ve learned much more in my business than I could have learned getting a MBA, but that’s not to say that a MBA wouldn’t have helped.

Nick can be reached at, or you can visit College Hunks Hauling Junk’s website at

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Tammy Levent – Elite Travel Group

Tammy LeventTammy Levent, owner of Elite Travel Group

South Tampasphere: What was your first job?

Tammy Levent: I started working very early in life. At the age of 12, I worked for my parents when they owned the Dunedin Grill in Dunedin, Fla. I made money bussing and serving. Coffee was 10 cents with unlimited refills and two eggs, toast and grits were something like $1.29. Still, I would run across the street everyday and deposit my tips. I was very proud.

ST: Did you start any businesses before you found success with Elite Travel Group?

TL: I was 18 years old when I started my first company. Marathon International was an export company that would sell 220/50 volt appliances overseas primarily to Greece and ship their personal effects, as well. It was my first taste of owning a business, and the rest is history.

ST: What are some of your favorite local nightlife spots?  Drink of choice?

TL: My favorite local nightlife is a tough choice. I like hopping around from one club to another and making my presence known around town. I have several events a night to attend. I usually double and triple book myself! Actually, my favorite place to be is wherever my friends are. It is not the place that is important, but who you are with that is the key. As for my favorite drink, I would have to say straight Belvedere on the rocks with 3 limes. My new favorite mixed drink is my Tammytini, made especially for me! I’m going to trademark it!

ST: What do you do in your free time?

TL: I am a very busy woman, but when I have free time, I absolutely love to travel. If I’m not in some exotic locale, then I like to stay home and relax with my family.

ST: If you could plop down a business right in the middle of S. Howard ave, what would it be?

TL: South Howard Avenue has many wonderful clubs and restaurants, but what it doesn’t have is a social bar where you can bring pets! I have noticed many residents walking around with their pets. There should be a place where you can socialize and that has a bar area for pets, too. I have seen it done somewhere else in the country. Why not here?

ST: How did you market your business when you started?

TL: Starting my business was difficult. I started in the minus, so for me, the most important way to promote and run my business was to network and partner with others. Bring in a close group of people that you can trust and learn to succeed together. Also, I believe in asking for referrals. Word of mouth is very powerful.

ST: What are some top skills needed to succeed as an entrepreneur or business owner?

TL: To succeed as an entrepreneur or business owner, you need to stay focused, organized, and honest and always be passionate about your business and your clients. Keep your word! Be good to your employees. The economy is in a very low place right now. Instead of giving less, you need to give more, and ask for more from your employees. When you need them the most, they need you. If you treat them well, they will be there for you and give you 200 percent.

ST: What have been some, if any, of your failures? And have you learned anything from them?

TL: My past failure has been to trust the wrong people. Check credentials and be smart about the risks you take. I have taken too many chances by giving someone the benefit of the doubt. It takes double the effort to gain back what you lost from a risky decision.

ST: if you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

TL: Although I have been very successful, I would have liked to have gone to college. I went right from high school into the work force and then started my first company. I used common sense and read a lot about the business world, but I would love to have a degree behind me.

ST: What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

TL: The top four skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur would be patience, passion, negotiating and taking risks. You need to have these qualities, despite the challenges.

ST: How far are you willing to go to succeed?

TL: I push myself and everyone around me above and beyond the limit. I do not take no for an answe

ST: What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?

TL: I have learned that there is no place for fear in business. I used to be so afraid of failure. When I first started my company, I was worried about what everyone thought of me and my business. After 9/11, I realized that if I could survive the catastrophe in the travel industry, I could do anything. There is no time to worry about things out of your control. Be humble, don’t live beyond your needs and don’t be greedy.

ST: What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

TL: My most satisfying moments in my business are when I hear from people all over the world. I get emails from people who have heard great things about me and my business and would love for me to plan their trip or destination wedding. It feels great to know my reputation is spanning the globe.

ST: What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?

TL: Entrepreneurs are risk takers! We are not afraid of change and are the ones who make a difference. It is not easy to be an entrepreneur.

ST: How do you go about marketing your business? What has been your most successful form of marketing?

TL: Marketing is such an important aspect of running a successful business. Currently, I blog and participate in social networking. I write articles for various magazines, showing my expertise in my field. I am selective about advertising online and in magazines, picking the ones that will reach my audience the best. I use Search Engine Optimization of my websites. Also, events to promote my business and strategic partnerships are essential.

Tammy can be reached at or you can view for more information on her company.

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John Hannon – Body Bash Boot Camp

body bashJohn Hannon, Founder of Body Bash Boot Camp

Loyal followers.   Word of mouth marketing.   A local business that gives back(a portion of proceeds go to the Children’s Cancer Center).  These are what every entrepreneur hopes to accomplish, and what John Hannon has already accomplished since founding Body Bash Boot Camp two years ago(officially) here in Tampa.  John recently put the weights down and spoke to about the business side of things. When did you start Body Bash Boot Camp?  Were the classes full as soon as you started?

John Hannon: I’ve taught outdoor boot camp style classes since 1998, before the word “boot camp” became associated with fitness. I decided to get incorporated and make it a legitimate business, with its current name, in September 2007. It started out as a Saturday morning only program and classes were full. When I decided to add additional days, it took several months before those classes were packed as well.

ST: With so many gyms offering boot camp-style fitness classes, how, as a business owner, do you differenciate your business from the competition?
JH: There is no other “boot camp” experience like Body Bash Boot Camp. I think what differentiates Body Bash from others is its high-energy, ever-changing and dynamic workouts. I teach roughly 50 classes a month and never repeat the same class. Providing variety, high-energy and using the outdoor environment to create unique workout experiences are what keep my my clients coming back for more.

ST: What marketing tactics or advertising did you use in the beginning to get more people to know about your business? I, personally, heard of your business through word of mouth.  How does a business owner generate this much sought-after marketing goldmine?
JH: In the beginning, Body Bash Boot Camp was built on guerrilla marketing and word of mouth. I would post hand written “bandit” signs on corners and medians, write my website address on Bayshore Blvd with sidewalk chalk and place my business cards on windshields of cars parked at local gyms. I was providing a great product and a unique experience and knew that if I could get people to show up, they would soon “talk it up” to their friends and family members. To further accelerate word of mouth referrals, I would offer incentives to sweeten the pot: invite a friend and receive a free class. As I grew, I began using traditional methods, magazines and bus stop benches, to create a continuous presence. Currently, I’m going through a web redesign and working on increasing my web presence.

ST: Did you always know you would start and operate your own business some day?
JH: I had always dreamed about it, but never really knew what I would do to get there. I had gone through many jobs, in all different types of industries before I found what I truly should be doing. Sometimes those “dreams” occur later in life, but it makes them so much sweeter.

ST: What are some top skills needed to succeed as a business owner or entrepreneur?
JH: NEVER give up. If you know in your heart what you’re doing is your true calling, persevere, regardless of setbacks or non-believers.

ST: How do you define success?
JH: Balance. Sometimes success can be one-dimensional: whether it’s with family, personal relationships or financial blessings. Achieving balance in all three areas, in my opinion, is true success. It’s not always easy to accomplish, but well worth the effort.

ST: Do you have plans to start any more businesses? Are there any plans to expand or franchise out Body Bash Boot Camp?
JH: I’m rolling out two new Body Bash Boot Camp concepts. Starting mid-September I’ll be starting Body Bash Boot Camp “Corporate Wellness” programs for two large employers and in November Body Bash Boot Camp “Kids!” is set to launch.

ST: What do you usually have for breakfast?  Are there any restaurants in Tampa where you can get a healthy meal that tastes great?
JH: I’m pretty much a “robot” when it comes to eating breakfast: scrambled egg whole wheat wrap, bowl of oatmeal with fruit or yogurt with granola and typically made at home. However, if I do go out to eat, I’ll choose Daily Eats, Ciccios and most recently Pita Pit. All offer good, healthy and affordable eats.

ST: You motivate people every day to have a great work out and to get in shape.  Who or what inspires and motives you?
JH: Staying one step ahead of my “fitness” competition, signing up for duathlons and road races and seeing how far I can push personal improvement are what fuel my motivation.

ST: What is the best business advice you ever heard?
JH: My Dad once told me “if you really want to be a success, figure out what you do well and do it better than anyone else…” Thanks Dad, I hope I’m making you proud!

John can be reached at, or you can visit for more information.

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Brad Feld- Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist

Brad Feld

Brad Feld, Venture Capitalist and founder of Foundry Group

A regular columnist in Entrepreneur Magazine, Brad Feld has been an early stage investor and entrepreneur for over 20 years. Prior to co-founding Foundy Group, he co-founded Mobius Venture Capital and, prior to that, founded Intensity Ventures, a company that helped launch and operate software companies and later became a venture affiliate of the predecessor to Mobius Venture Capital.

Although Brad is not from Tampa, we were still delighted when we got the opportunity to interview and feature him on

South Tampasphere: What was your very first job?  How, specifically, did you begin to build your work ethic at this job?  For example, my first job was a busboy.  Some of the ways I started to develop my own work ethic were arriving fifteen minutes early every day and always doing the sidework that no one else wanted to do.
Brad Feld: My first job was as a maintenance guy at my childhood tennis club. I got fired for not doing a good job. My second job was at a fast food restaurant called Potato’s Etc. in Dallas. I got fired for calling the manager a bitch after she dumped my work in the sink one day for no apparent reason. I stopped working for other people after that.

ST: Failure and rejection for entrepreneurs is pretty normal, and I’ve read you’ve had your share of hard times. How did you stay motivated and inspired through start up phases, losing money and other tough periods?
BF: I view failure as a normal part of the entrepreneurial process. Once you recognize failure is part of the process, it simply becomes another step along the way to ultimate success.

ST: What is your best investment advice?
BF: Invest in yourself.

ST: What are some top skills needed in order to succeed as an entrepreneur or business owner?
BF: One important trait that isn’t talked about that much is obsessive focus. The great entrepreneurs are maniacal about their vision and what they want to ultimately accomplish.

ST: Let’s say there’s a college student out there who started a software company in his dorm room. He emails you, Brad Feld, and wants to show you what he’s got, for investment purposes. If you like what you see, do you consider investing or do you just offer advice?
BF: At the minimum, I’ll always try to be responsive and provide some advice. If it fits within the investment themes that I have (see I’ll take a deeper look. I’ll want to develop a relationship in advance of deciding to invest so typically the initial exchange is a starting point on what can be a long process, but you never know.

ST: You’ve ran quite a few marathons. Do you listen to certain artists or particular genres of music to keep you going? Do you stick to a certain diet when preparing for a marathon?
BF: I often run naked (no headphones) – I prefer just to zone out. When I do listen to music, it’s usually a podcast like Coverville or a book on tape. Regarding diet – I’m a fishaterian – but I eat too much.

ST: It’s hard for an entrepreneur to share credit for the business he or she created, or to ask for help. Do you think this is what holds most entrepreneurs back from achieving success?
BF: Some entrepreneurs are great at sharing the spotlight, others are not. I prefer working with the ones that do share, as I tend to like them better as people. But I have no way to correlate success or failure to this – it’s just different styles.

ST: You’re an investor who has his own column in Entrepreneur Magazine, and your email address is widely known amongst readers. What are some of the worst business ideas people have emailed you with, looking for your investment?
BF: I get complete random stuff that makes no sense all the time. Rather than view them as terrible ideas, I always look for a gem and try to offer some constructive feedback.

ST: There’s a quote, “Do what you love, and the money will follow.” “Mary” loves to sit on her couch, eating peanuts, using her laptop and watching movies. I’d tell her to go into the furniture manufacturing industry, produce and sell flavored peanuts, start a laptop repair company or become a film editor. No doubt each would take lots of hard work, but would you tell her the same, or would you tell her to get off her lazy butt and find a secure career?
BF: I’d tell her to do what she loves, but if she wants to build a successful business, she needs to apply it to a vision around a business that can be huge.

ST: What do you look for in employees when you hire? Does an MBA matter?
BF: There are loads of benefits to getting one – including spending two years exploring various aspects of business – but it’s not a key driver for the vast majority of people I’ve been involved in hiring.

Brad is a nationally recognized speaker on the topics of venture capital investing and entrepreneurship and writes widely read and well respected blogs at and  He can be reached at

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Brandon Scivolette – Elite Moving Labor

Brandon Scivolette

Brandon Scivolette, Owner of Elite Moving Labor

Eighty-five hour work weeks.  Two companies to run.  High-intensity workouts five days a week.  Welcome to the life of south Tampa resident and serial entrepreneur, Brandon Scivolette.  He sat down with recently to discuss his busy schedule, his love for south Tampa and his promise to throw the staff here at ST a party at Hooters.

South Tampasphere: Where in south Tampa do you live?
Brandon Scivolette: The Harbour House at Bayshore and Howard

ST: What do you do for work? About how many hours a week do you work?
BS: I own Elite Moving Labor and CraigslistDelivery.Com. I work 80-85 hours per week.

ST: Did you start any other businesses before you found success with your company, Elite Moving Labor?
BS: Yes, my first company was “Interesting Proposals,” which was designed to be an event coordinator for wedding proposals. In short, the concept was to create, plan and carry out unique wedding proposals. For example, if your girlfriend was a die hard fan of Aerosmith and you wanted to propose not just at the concert, but on stage followed by Aerosmith playing her favorite song. Although the concept had a great following, the capital required was excessive and the target market was very limited.
ST: How was the start-up phase of Elite?  Did you immediately find success or was there a time period when you didn’t think it would work?
BS: Elite was never designed to be what it is today.  It was originally designed to be a full service express mover from the east to the west coast, which at the time was seeing exponential growth.  Because of the overhead, start up costs and licensing required to become a full service moving company, we put it on hold and found success with the labor niche.
Our first summer was extremely busy and prosperous, but we found out in our first winter that there is a “busy season” and without a great residential demand, web presence or commercial contracts we wouldn’t survive. I knew we’d make it to our second year, but from November until April money was extremely tight.
ST: Recently your company moved Hulk Hogan’s ex-wife, Linda Bollea, in the Clearwater area.  How did you land that job?  Do you have any more upcoming celebrity moves?
BS: Elite landing the Hogan move was a combination of two things: The success of our web presence and that we are the most widely recognized moving labor firm in the United States. We have spent tens of thousands of dollars and thousands of man hours developing our web presence, we currently have 36 domains and are constantly adding features to increase our search engine rankings.  We have a Mel Gibson move in the pipeline and our contract calls for up to 25 celebrity moves per year.   At this time, however, I am not sure of who they will be.
ST: What are some of the pros and cons of owning a business?
BS: The pros are obvious: Freedom, being the boss and ultimately having control over your own success or failure. There are many cons too, most notably the time commitment. Many people are so used to being “on the clock,” they don’t understand that they may need to work thousands of hours without being paid a cent.. it’s part of being an owner. The stress and financial strain in the early years can be a major hindrance both physically and mentally.
ST: Are there any entrepreneurs you look up to?
BS: Two – Steven Jobs, the founder of Apple and Pixar Studios (now owned by Disney), and David Neeleman, founder of JetBlue. Both have an amazing ability to create a cult like following and they know how to have fun doing it.
ST: Running two businesses must be stressful at times.  What kind of exercise program do you follow to stay in shape and keep the stress at bay?  Which gym do you exercise at?
BS: I work out at Choice Fitness (formerly Xtreme) in South Tampa. I have found that heading to the gym as soon as my day ends really helps to keep the stress at bay. I currently do a mixture of strength training and cardio, mostly high intensity cardio like boxing.
ST: Where are your favorite places to enjoy the nightlife in Tampa?  Favorite restaurant(s) as well? And drink of choice?
BS: I’m of course partial to anything on Howard, although on occasion I do like Hyde Park Cafe and The Rack. MacDintons and Cheap are my two favorites and I drink Michelob Ultra, tequilla shots or Red Bull/vodka.
ST: What is south Tampa missing?  What is great about south Tampa?
BS: South Tampa is missing nightlife entertainment that does not require you to eat or drink. If you stroll Howard Avenue or Platt, your only entertainment is restaurants or bars.
ST: If you could plop any business, restaurant or other establishment down right in the center of south Howard Ave, what would it be?
BS: I’ve contemplated this idea before and explored the concept of a miniature golf course on Howard Avenue.  Unfortunately, despite the recession, Howard Avenue real estate remains pricey. Because of the large capital commitment to the land (both leasing and buying), a restaurant or bar are the only two options poised for success. I personally would create an open, relaxed enviornment similar to MacDintons with a beach theme.
ST: Do you have plans to start any more businesses in the future?
BS: Quite a few.  I’m always looking for ways to offer additional services to our customers. Two projects we are working on include a web based broker program which is basically a spin off of our current nationwide program, and a College Hunks Hauling Junk franchise in Pinellas/Pasco. The credit crunch has limited our ability to borrow as much as we require for the College Hunks start up, but it’s still in the pipeline for future development.  In addition to those, my dream business that I plan to start in the next three years is a hotel in Aruba. I’d like to build a resort hotel with the first Margaritaville in Aruba.
ST: In a year, it will be’s first anniversary.  What generous gift will you buy for our staff?
BS: I’ll throw you and your entire staff a wonderful bash at the local Hooters.
Brandon can be reached at, and you can book his moving labor services via Elite’s website,

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