John Hannon – Body Bash Boot Camp

body bashJohn Hannon, Founder of Body Bash Boot Camp

Loyal followers.   Word of mouth marketing.   A local business that gives back(a portion of proceeds go to the Children’s Cancer Center).  These are what every entrepreneur hopes to accomplish, and what John Hannon has already accomplished since founding Body Bash Boot Camp two years ago(officially) here in Tampa.  John recently put the weights down and spoke to about the business side of things. When did you start Body Bash Boot Camp?  Were the classes full as soon as you started?

John Hannon: I’ve taught outdoor boot camp style classes since 1998, before the word “boot camp” became associated with fitness. I decided to get incorporated and make it a legitimate business, with its current name, in September 2007. It started out as a Saturday morning only program and classes were full. When I decided to add additional days, it took several months before those classes were packed as well.

ST: With so many gyms offering boot camp-style fitness classes, how, as a business owner, do you differenciate your business from the competition?
JH: There is no other “boot camp” experience like Body Bash Boot Camp. I think what differentiates Body Bash from others is its high-energy, ever-changing and dynamic workouts. I teach roughly 50 classes a month and never repeat the same class. Providing variety, high-energy and using the outdoor environment to create unique workout experiences are what keep my my clients coming back for more.

ST: What marketing tactics or advertising did you use in the beginning to get more people to know about your business? I, personally, heard of your business through word of mouth.  How does a business owner generate this much sought-after marketing goldmine?
JH: In the beginning, Body Bash Boot Camp was built on guerrilla marketing and word of mouth. I would post hand written “bandit” signs on corners and medians, write my website address on Bayshore Blvd with sidewalk chalk and place my business cards on windshields of cars parked at local gyms. I was providing a great product and a unique experience and knew that if I could get people to show up, they would soon “talk it up” to their friends and family members. To further accelerate word of mouth referrals, I would offer incentives to sweeten the pot: invite a friend and receive a free class. As I grew, I began using traditional methods, magazines and bus stop benches, to create a continuous presence. Currently, I’m going through a web redesign and working on increasing my web presence.

ST: Did you always know you would start and operate your own business some day?
JH: I had always dreamed about it, but never really knew what I would do to get there. I had gone through many jobs, in all different types of industries before I found what I truly should be doing. Sometimes those “dreams” occur later in life, but it makes them so much sweeter.

ST: What are some top skills needed to succeed as a business owner or entrepreneur?
JH: NEVER give up. If you know in your heart what you’re doing is your true calling, persevere, regardless of setbacks or non-believers.

ST: How do you define success?
JH: Balance. Sometimes success can be one-dimensional: whether it’s with family, personal relationships or financial blessings. Achieving balance in all three areas, in my opinion, is true success. It’s not always easy to accomplish, but well worth the effort.

ST: Do you have plans to start any more businesses? Are there any plans to expand or franchise out Body Bash Boot Camp?
JH: I’m rolling out two new Body Bash Boot Camp concepts. Starting mid-September I’ll be starting Body Bash Boot Camp “Corporate Wellness” programs for two large employers and in November Body Bash Boot Camp “Kids!” is set to launch.

ST: What do you usually have for breakfast?  Are there any restaurants in Tampa where you can get a healthy meal that tastes great?
JH: I’m pretty much a “robot” when it comes to eating breakfast: scrambled egg whole wheat wrap, bowl of oatmeal with fruit or yogurt with granola and typically made at home. However, if I do go out to eat, I’ll choose Daily Eats, Ciccios and most recently Pita Pit. All offer good, healthy and affordable eats.

ST: You motivate people every day to have a great work out and to get in shape.  Who or what inspires and motives you?
JH: Staying one step ahead of my “fitness” competition, signing up for duathlons and road races and seeing how far I can push personal improvement are what fuel my motivation.

ST: What is the best business advice you ever heard?
JH: My Dad once told me “if you really want to be a success, figure out what you do well and do it better than anyone else…” Thanks Dad, I hope I’m making you proud!

John can be reached at, or you can visit for more information.

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